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How to create a custom theme for your Flutter application ?

You just started coding your new application idea and quickly faced the following questions:

  • Where can I put all my colors and access them easily in the code ?
  • How do I handle consistent spacing across the whole application ?
  • How can I simply use several text styles with a concise syntaxe ?
  • etc.

In this article, I will show you the best way to answer all these questions !

The code used in this article can be found in this repository.


Today, the best approach to add a theme to your application is creating a separate Flutter package "theme" at the same level of your app folder:


This has two main advantages:

  • Reusability: you'll be able to use this theme easily in other projects
  • Separation of concerns: you'll delight your application folder by separating the concerns of each package: app and theme.

The theme of our application will be accessible in all our widget like so: final theme = ThemeResolver.of(context);

From the theme you'll be able to access theme.colors, theme.sizes and what ever you want. This will enforce consistency in the whole application and avoid repeating yourself.

Creating the theme package

To create your custom theme package, you simply have to run:

flutter create --template=package theme

You should see a theme.dart file under the lib folder of your freshly created package:

library theme;

/// A Calculator.
class Calculator {
  /// Returns [value] plus 1.
  int addOne(int value) => value + 1;

You can remove the Calculator and its associated test, we obviously won't need them.

We will now create the 3 following folders: src, data, widgets:


Adding the Theme data

The data of our theme are: colors, sizes, typography etc.

For each, we will have a dedicated file like so:



The ColorData class might look like this:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ColorData {
    required this.sunset,
    required this.sunrise,
    required this.twilight,
    required this.morning,
    required this.fog,
    required this.eclipse,

  final Color sunset;
  final Color sunrise;
  final Color twilight;
  final Color morning;
  final Color fog;
  final Color eclipse;

  factory ColorData.main() {
    return ColorData(
      sunset: const Color(0xFFF65B4E),
      sunrise: const Color(0xFFFDA758),
      twilight: const Color(0xFF29319F),
      morning: const Color(0xFFFFBA7C),
      fog: const Color(0xFFFFDEEF),
      eclipse: const Color(0xFF573353),

  static ColorScheme getMainTheme(ColorData colors) {
    return ColorScheme(
      brightness: Brightness.light,
      primary: colors.eclipse,
      onPrimary: colors.eclipse,
      secondary: colors.eclipse,
      onSecondary: colors.eclipse,
      error: colors.eclipse,
      onError: colors.eclipse,
      background: colors.eclipse,
      onBackground: colors.eclipse,
      surface: colors.eclipse,
      onSurface: colors.eclipse,

Don't forget to add the static method getMainTheme which will help us to create our custom theme by returning a ColorScheme.


In order to have consistent spacing in your app I highly recommend you to have a SizeData class as so:

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';

class SizeData {
  const SizeData({
    required this.xs,
    required this.s,
    required this.m,
    required this.l,
    required this.xl,

  factory SizeData.main() => const SizeData(
        xs: 5,
        s: 10,
        m: 15,
        l: 20,
        xl: 30,

  final double xs;

  final double s;

  final double m;

  final double l;

  final double xl;

  ThemeEdgeInsetsSizeData get insets => ThemeEdgeInsetsSizeData(this);

class ThemeEdgeInsetsSizeData {
  const ThemeEdgeInsetsSizeData(this._spacing);

  final SizeData _spacing;

  EdgeInsets get xs => EdgeInsets.all(_spacing.xs);

  EdgeInsets get s => EdgeInsets.all(_spacing.s);

  EdgeInsets get m => EdgeInsets.all(_spacing.m);

  EdgeInsets get l => EdgeInsets.all(_spacing.l);

  EdgeInsets get xl => EdgeInsets.all(_spacing.xl);


For your fonts, you will have to create the TypogaphyData class.

To import your fonts, I recommend you to check the official way to do it.

In this example, I have imported two fonts:


  uses-material-design: true
    - family: Klasik
        - asset: fonts/Klasik-Regular.otf
    - family: Manrope
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-ExtraLight.ttf
          weight: 200
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-Light.ttf
          weight: 300
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-Regular.ttf
          weight: 400
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-Medium.ttf
          weight: 500
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-SemiBold.ttf
          weight: 600
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-Bold.ttf
          weight: 700
        - asset: fonts/Manrope-ExtraBold.ttf
          weight: 800

And declared the TypographyData class like so:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:theme/src/data/color_data.dart';

const _basePath = 'packages/theme/';
const _klasik = _basePath + 'Klasik';
const _manrope = _basePath + 'Manrope';

class TypographyData {
  const TypographyData({
    required this.displayLarge,
    required this.headlineLarge,
    required this.headlineMedium,
    required this.headlineSmall,
    required this.titleLarge,
    required this.titleMedium,
    required this.titleSmall,
    required this.bodyLarge,
    required this.bodyMedium,
    required this.bodySmall,

  final TextStyle displayLarge;
  final TextStyle headlineLarge;
  final TextStyle headlineMedium;
  final TextStyle headlineSmall;

  final TextStyle titleLarge;
  final TextStyle titleMedium;
  final TextStyle titleSmall;

  final TextStyle bodyMedium;
  final TextStyle bodyLarge;
  final TextStyle bodySmall;

  factory TypographyData.main(ColorData colors) => TypographyData(
          TextStyle(fontFamily: _klasik, fontSize: 40, color: colors.eclipse),
          TextStyle(fontFamily: _klasik, fontSize: 32, color: colors.eclipse),
          TextStyle(fontFamily: _klasik, fontSize: 24, color: colors.eclipse),
          TextStyle(fontFamily: _klasik, fontSize: 18, color: colors.eclipse),
      titleLarge: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
          fontSize: 18,
          color: colors.eclipse),
      titleMedium: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
          fontSize: 16,
          color: colors.eclipse),
      titleSmall: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
          fontSize: 14,
          color: colors.eclipse),
      bodyLarge: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
          fontSize: 12,
          color: colors.eclipse),
      bodyMedium: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
          fontSize: 12,
          color: colors.eclipse),
      bodySmall: TextStyle(
          fontFamily: _manrope,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
          fontSize: 10,
          color: colors.eclipse));

  static TextTheme getMainTextTheme(ColorData colors) {
    return const TextTheme().copyWith(
      displayLarge: TypographyData.main(colors).displayLarge,
      headlineLarge: TypographyData.main(colors).headlineLarge,
      headlineMedium: TypographyData.main(colors).headlineMedium,
      headlineSmall: TypographyData.main(colors).headlineSmall,
      titleLarge: TypographyData.main(colors).titleLarge,
      titleMedium: TypographyData.main(colors).titleMedium,
      titleSmall: TypographyData.main(colors).titleSmall,
      bodyLarge: TypographyData.main(colors).bodyLarge,
      bodyMedium: TypographyData.main(colors).bodyMedium,
      bodySmall: TypographyData.main(colors).bodySmall,

The _basePath value will allow us to resolve the fonts when we will use them in our app/ folder.

Theme Data Container

Now let's wrap everything in a ThemeDataContainer :

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:theme/src/data/color_data.dart';
import 'package:theme/src/data/size_data.dart';
import 'package:theme/src/data/typography_data.dart';

class ThemeDataContainer {
  const ThemeDataContainer({
    required this.theme,
    required this.colors,
    required this.sizes,

  factory ThemeDataContainer.main() {
    final colors = ColorData.main();
    final theme = ThemeData().fromColors(colors);
    final sizes = SizeData.main();

    return ThemeDataContainer(theme: theme, colors: colors, sizes: sizes);

  final ThemeData theme;
  final ColorData colors;
  final SizeData sizes;

extension on ThemeData {
  ThemeData fromColors(ColorData colors) {
    return ThemeData(
      textTheme: TypographyData.getMainTextTheme(colors),

This class helps to bootstrap everything by instantiating in its main() method everything we'll need.

Theme Resolver

To provide our custom theme to child's widgets we will need a class which extends InheritedTheme. I like to call it ThemeResolver:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:theme/src/data/theme_data_container.dart';

class ThemeResolver extends InheritedTheme {
  const ThemeResolver({Key? key, required Widget child, required this.data})
      : super(child: child, key: key);

  final ThemeDataContainer data;

  static ThemeDataContainer of(BuildContext context) {
    return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<ThemeResolver>()!.data;

  bool updateShouldNotify(covariant ThemeResolver oldWidget) {
    return data != oldWidget.data;

  Widget wrap(BuildContext context, Widget child) {
    return ThemeResolver(
      data: data,
      child: child,

Import your custom theme in your app

Our theme is ready ! Now let's see how we can use it in our app.

Let's add in the dependencies of our app, the theme package we just created:

    path: ../theme

Great, Now we can provide the whole widget tree with our theme where our MaterialApp is built:

return MaterialApp(
      builder: (context, child) {
          final _themeData = ThemeDataContainer.main();
        return ThemeResolver(
          data: _themeData,
          child: Theme(data: _themeData.theme, child: child!),

Use your custom theme everywhere in the app

To use our theme, there is nothing more simple than calling final theme = ThemeResolver.of(context); in the build method of your widgets.

Let's create a shortcut for this since we'll need to use it often:

Add at the root of your whole project a snippets.code-snippets file, like so:


with the following content

  "App Theme": {
    "scope": "dart",
    "prefix": "theme",
    "description": "Import Theme from context",
    "body": "final theme = ThemeResolver.of(context);"

Good job !

You can see how I use this approach in a real world project.